To Sleep Through Harvest, What a Shame

“He that gathers in summer is a wise son; he who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame” (Proverbs 10:5). This verse is all about recognizing and seizing opportunities; being good stewards of our time. It is applicable in many areas of life, but we’ll look at a few, in particular.

When we are able to gather/harvest, it says at least these two things. One, we were wise in planting in the proper season; we are reaping what we have sown. We did the work and now are reaping the benefits. Two, it says, we recognize the season before us- a limited window of opportunity to do one or more particular things.

For example, before we know it, we’ll show up to 60-65 years old. Either, we will have been wise and done to work to create a comfortable retirement or we will not have. We know people who are working well into their 70’s because they cannot retire. They have not planted; invested in learning; and applied smart financial principals like reducing debt, saving, and investing, so they have to work. We know people who retired and then went back to work. While staying active and even working toward some cause, is commendable, most 70-year-olds probably don’t want to have to punch a clock; be required to work.  We also know parents who have to humbly lean on their children or grandchildren to provide for them; or worse yet, end up in a state run nursing home. We don’t

want to land in any of these situations if we can help it.

There are simple things we can do now, to create a bright future- one in which we can awake on our own schedule; comfortably take care of our bills; travel, be a blessing, and live financially independently.

The same principal applies to health. Recognize, as a group, we are in our 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s and the youngest we will ever be. Learning and applying simple strategies to preserve or improve our health now, increases our likelihood to be independent when we are older. It doesn’t have to a complicated chore, but we do have to learn and then do the work.

Most importantly, we know that we’ll show up to our death beds. A lot of us don’t like to talk about it- but it’s necessary. Our family relationships, titles and status in this life, nor financial portfolios will follow us. What will matter in the end is whether we seized the opportunity to assure our salvation; to know we are at peace with our Father through Jesus Christ. There is no do-over, no extension of time. Today is the day of salvation.

To sleep through harvest; that would be a shame- to us, our families, and our God. 

That’s not what we’re here to do. We have such great opportunities before us. By the grace of God, we can change our lives, our situations, be a blessing to others, and be a tiny reflection of the beauty of our great God and Savior. We can do this alone, but I think we can do better, together.

Share your thoughts and if you need help getting started on any of these topics, you can email me as well.