The Week in Review

Friday or Saturday is a good time to assess what you have done that week- a week in review. Many Americans get paid bi-weekly and if this were my payday, I would probably be writing an article on exercising restraint- and not spending without a plan. But, today is payroll closeout, so my thoughts are a little different. Let’s get started.

Concerning Time and Leave

  • Did you show up to work as scheduled?
  • Did you schedule your leave in advance? That speaks to dependability.
  • How much did you draw from your leave bank and how much do you have left over?
  • Do you have a good reserve in case you get sick or an emergency comes up?
  • Did you share any leave through your agency’s leave share program? How did you determine how much to give? That speaks to exercising both wisdom and generosity.

Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Personal Leave are benefits that convert to cash value. When you get sick, have business to take care of, or just need a break from your duties, you still get paid. That’s good because your major bills likely remain the same. Creditors have very little empathy when it comes to excuses as to why you can’t pay them on time. Bills still need to be paid, so exercise discretion concerning when and how much leave to take and/or give. Exercise both wisdom and generosity.

Concerning Saving and Spending

  • Did you tithe? Do you know the Word of God calls us to do that? If you haven’t, consider starting.
  • Did you save anything from your last pay?
  • Did you use this formula:  Income – Savings = Expenses, which simply means pay yourself first? Remember you can start small and increase as you get a handle on your bills and debt.
  • Did you remember to be generous (not hoard)- and not just give to your own family? God tells us to help those in need. You can give any variation of money, time, energy, rolling up your sleeves to do some work, being a listening ear, or serving a cause or person in some way.
  • Did you stay on budget? Do you have a budget?
  • Did you pay all the bills due? Are you confident and disciplined enough to put bills on autopay? That will free up time for you and give you one less thing to think about.
  • How many times did you make incidental purchases and how much did they add up to?
  • Do you have any allowance (or fun money) left over? Is your allowance/fun money a reasonable amount based on where you are in your journey?
  • Are you on course for the upcoming week(s)?
  • Is there anything you should or could change to improve the upcoming period or spur you along further in your journey?

Concerning Godly Stewardship

  • Do you feel like you exercised godly stewardship based on the scriptures you know?
  • How about based on how you responded to the aforementioned questions?
  • How about, based on you overall progress on your financial journey?
  • Are you acknowledging God in all your ways or at least striving to do so? Can you concretely recall in what ways you acknowledged God: what scriptures He led you to, what Word came to your remembrance, whether you applied those principals, and how they played out in application?
  • Are you placing your trust in Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God, for your ultimate provision?


Keep learning, growing, and applying. Do what you can do while you can do it; but know that it is the Spirit of God that works in you to will and to do of His good pleasure. It is working for your good. This great news!