The Love Chapter

I’ve been studying one verse a day, from what many refer to as, The Love Chapter (1 Corinthians 13). As I continue in the field of financial services, there’s a lot of emphasis on money, yet I never want to lose my priorities and a godly perspective. I was led to meditate upon this passage.

Each day I write my verse of the day, look up definitions of words (even words I think I know), I read at least two or three translations, try to articulate what the verse is saying in plain language, meditate upon those words, and then evaluate my life against those standards. In my planner, I write a portion of my prayer concerning what Jesus has revealed to me and pray that His Word comes back to my remembrance throughout the day.

For almost two months, I’ve been using the Hope Planner. One of the goals of the creator of this lovely planner, Heather Vreeland, was to design a planner that we would come back to throughout the day, for our schedule, to-do lists, menu, workouts, and more. And when we come back to it, be reminded of the Word of God, our prayer and meditation. In so doing, we would begin our day with God and create a habit of walking with Him through it. I love that!

1 Corinthians 13 is frequently quoted by Christians. And what I reaffirmed to be the reality is, when we take a single verse and dissect, break it down into the smallest components, keep it in the context in which it was written, and try to explain it; it’s easier said than done. This is a great study technique that I learned from my former pastor many years ago. It’s easy to take an entire passage and generalize the meaning. But break it down and pray for wisdom. Ask about words, phrases, contexts, application, whose writing, to whom, and why; and it’s a good indication of whether we understand. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

Let’s look at a verse. Because this blog deals with money, let’s look at 1 Corinthians 13:3. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity [love], it profits me nothing. What I never paid attention to is how Paul uses the pronoun, I. He personalizes it. He’s writing to the Corinthian church and they had a lot of issues. But Paul doesn’t take occasion to dump on them. He uses himself as an example. Paul was an educated and wealthy man and upon his conversion, he forsook his position and comforts for the cause of the gospel. He says, even though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, though I give everything I own, though I show great compassion- without love it profits nothing. So following Paul’s example, I personalized it, examined myself and the good that I work so hard to do. I am reminded that, except it be done in love (according to the Word of God and for the glory of God), it profits me nothing.  Though I give my body to be burned, risk my life, or even sacrifice it altogether, except it be done in love, it profits me nothing. And unlike Paul, truth be told, I haven’t risked my life. I barely even risk my comforts. I work hard, pay my tithes, and strive to be generous, but I haven’t risked my life. I haven’t given my body to be burned. Sometimes, I break a sweat or may pull an all-nighter to do a bit of good. Though it may earn the accolades of men or though I may feel good about the good I’ve done, it carries no eternal reward. My good works cannot earn me a good standing before the Father. For the [true] love of God is this: that we habitually keep His commandments and remain focused on His precepts. And His commandments and His precepts are not difficult [to obey.] (1 John 5:3 AMP). Only the Father’s grace and Spirit of Christ’s love working in and through me can do that. I cannot love on my own strength.

If you are used to reading a full chapter or a few chapters at a time, I challenge you to join me pulling back (in volume not time). What new thing has The Lord revealed as you’ve slowed down to take a deeper dive? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this post or love to hear about any revelations.


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