The Blessing of Being Generous

How is it possible to give and gain an increase? That’s not how math works. But that’s what the word of God says. “There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but leads to poverty” (Proverbs 11:24).

My Story

Even though it doesn’t make sense from the surface, many of us have seen the reality of it played out in real life. I remember learning that I was supposed to be tithing to the church and being in a situation where all the household bills weren’t getting paid. There were more bills than income. When I was asked how was I going to do that, I responded, “I don’t know.” I was committed to do what God said. Weeks after, I was tested. A bill collector called and reamed me out for not being able to make my car payment. I fell to my knees when they were done and within 30 minutes, Jesus had pieced together 3 sources that allowed me to make that payment.

I’m not saying it always works out that way. But it taught me to trust God. Since that time, tithing has not been up for debate and I am blessed by having an income that allows me to tithe.

I’ve had opportunity to see those who make a meager income, tithe faithfully and those who make a generous income, not tithe at all. Both sides attend church faithfully, but based on the above passage, I would venture to say, that both are not blessed equally.

Ways to Be Generous

There are so many ways to show generosity; sometimes with money and other times with time and other resources. Tithe, because the Word of God commands to do so. Those monies are used for the provision of the house of God. In today’s time, we mostly use money and it covers the Pastor’s salary so he and his family may have a place to live and attend to their expenses. It allows for the lights in the church to stay on; for the water bill to be paid; for heating and air conditioning that we may be comfortable; for the purchases of bibles and hymnals; and more. In the bible days people tithed of their cattle and produce from the land; and  

that provided sustenance for the Priests and Levites who attended to the house of God and things of God. That could be happening in other countries, or rural areas, today.

Give to the poor and needy because the Word of God commands to do so; to care for fellow mankind, widows, orphans, and more. You can’t help everybody, but are commanded to join in the effort to help; to not turn a blind eye; to give to those who can’t give back. That’s beyond giving to your family, who are really an extension of you.  It’s beyond giving to friends who turn around and give back to you. It’s giving money, giving time, sharing knowledge, sharing gifts and talents- just for the purpose of being a blessing, relieving the burden of others, or helping to put others in a better position.

The Blessing

For many years, I’ve been saying, “May God continue to bless you as you continue to be a blessing.” I know we reap what we sow. We are only blessed (made happy) when we are a blessing (make others happy). That’s a good thing. It’s a gift for doing right.

We feel good when we do good. Sometimes, others may not know the part we played, so may not be able to thank or praise us for your generosity (though all glory should be ascribed to God, anyway). Sometimes, our attempts to do good, don’t go over as planned. And sometimes the good we do looks and feels so meager in comparison to the need … but God knows.

Matthew Henry’s Bible commentary says, “He [God] blesses the giving hand, and so makes it a getting hand.” I like that. Our increase may come monetarily like in my tithing story; or it can come back in a gained reputation for generosity and philanthropy. We may actually be blessed to see the fruit of our labor or the good accomplished. Or maybe experience hearts made full from the opportunity to touch the lives of others, to make a difference, etc. 


Most times we probably can’t draw a line between what we did and the “increase” we received in return. Jesus doesn’t always make it obvious, but we are blessed nonetheless. We know His promises are true. We can’t lose when we give generously.