Say Something Important to God
I wrestled about this idea of saying something important to God. My initial thought went to prayer. It is commonly said, prayer changes things. That’s debatable. What is undebatable is, prayer does not change God, nor the plans of God (Jeremiah 10:23, 29:11). There is nothing you can pray or say, that will enlighten God. There is nothing that He did not consider, was ill-informed on, or is working out/ figuring out as time goes on. He is not waiting for you to ask…or to let Him… Furthermore, He is God alone; so, no chance that He will fail in His promises. All will come to fruition.
Yet, the word of God, tells you to pray and to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). It says, “…the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). How is that if prayer does not change God nor the plan of God? Well, prayer is for you, the one who is praying.
When you pray, you are reminded of who God is, who you are, and whose you are. When you pray, you are reminded of Jesus’ precious promises and that speaks peace to you. They are not just lifeless words
in a book. They are life giving. So, go ahead and say something important to God.
Take note of phrases in your prayers and even full prayers that you say as a matter of routine. You don’t plan it that way, but now that you think about it, you see that’s true. Slow down and step back, when this comes to your remembrance. Be thoughtful in your prayers. Be in the moment. Think about what you are saying to our Father and consider it is a two-way conversation/ communication.
As you say what His Spirit has put on your heart, listen as He speaks back to you by way of His written Word. When you are anxious, you are reminded to be still for He is God. When you are confused, you are reminded that all things work together for good for those that love God. When you are tempted to get even with someone, you are reminded to hold your peace and let the Lord fight your battles. When you are not walking what you talk, you are reminded that faith without works is dead. Circumstances don’t change because you prayed. But your prayer time with God changes you, how you think, how you feel, and how you respond. God uses His Word to bring back to your remembrance what is so and that does accomplish something great in your heart, mind, and soul. So, say something important to God and listen intently for His voice (Word) in response. God is faithful.