Obedience Demonstrates our Love for God

I am continuing to slowly work my way through the Westminster Confession of Faith. This weekend’s study (WCF 19.5) talked about the moral law. The phrase, “moral law” confused me because my thinking was that there is a law that only those who are born again can keep. Then Jesus reminded me that none of us are justified by our works. In fact, we are condemned by our sin since we are unable to keep the law.

As I searched this out, I began to realize that the 10 Commandments and all the Word of God is right for everyone and the commandment to obey is applicable to everyone. There is not a separate law for the believer and then a different one for the unbeliever. The Word simply says, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Even though we are saved, moral laws like loving God with all our hearts, making no image or likeness of God, not stealing, killing, or coveting our neighbor’s possessions; all still apply. We are saved by grace and not by works. The law is good in showing us our need for the righteousness of Jesus Christ, demonstrating our love for the Father, and for our wellbeing.  And though we are not perfect, it is good to strive towards the keeping the law.

Furthermore, these moral laws are to be obeyed by the unbeliever. They in themselves will not change the eternal estate of that unbeliever; but they will do them some good through their obedience. There are at least two benefits we can look at.  One, these moral laws are practical. There is, for example, a benefit to not stealing, like avoiding jail time. That works for the unbeliever’s wellbeing in keeping out of harmful scenarios. There are laws for how to handle money, how to treat people, giving, etc.

Second, who knows if God is working in that unbeliever by transforming his/her heart to desire to honor and please the Father through obedience. I believe the Word of God supports the doctrine that says we are elected to salvation. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone. There are many who don’t believe this. I only bring it up to bring out one more point. To those who say, “If God has elected whom He will, then maybe I’m not one of those elected. What point is it even to try because, try I may [they say] I cannot change my estate.” That’s a legitimate point. I respond this way, “How do you know He hasn’t chosen you? If there is an earnest desire towards God, the things of God, and people of God; and if it be exercised according to the Word of God; then that could very well be the Spirit of God working in you; bringing you to salvation.” Whether that is so,  I can’t promise. But, if this is talking to you, it will be worth it to employ effort to make your calling and election sure.

Regardless as to what side we find ourselves on (I believe some people don’t know for certain), let us strive to demonstrate our love for the Father, by our obedience to Him.