More on Helping the Homeless

Giving- A Financial Obligation

For the last few days, we’ve been looking at ways to minister/serve the homeless- whether privately or corporately in a group. You might be wondering how this topic relates to finances. Well, giving is part of any healthy financial portfolio- regardless as to how much you make or have. A person can have great wealth and if he/she is selfish and does not give, that’s not healthy. In fact, it’s dangerous, because it goes against God (see Matthew 25: 25). And a person can be a person of very little means and be quite generous. Remember the story of the poor widow who was gave to the temple, two mites. Jesus said of her, that she gave of her penury/poverty (Luke 21: 1-4). Sometimes, it may not be money, but those of a generous heart, find a way to give.

Giving- A Christian Obligation

The bible calls Christians to give a tithe (10%), to give offerings, to help widows, orphans, strangers, and the poor. But not just Christians, but non-Christians are also driven to give. Giving should be a line items on your budget. Plan the amount to give like any other category. You can even set aside several months, into a bucket so that you can make a big donation, but it should be budgeted. That’s how we got on the subject of serving the homeless. We also got on this subject from an urging to take full advantage of the free produce boxes many organizations are handing out and use that food to bless your own household and to help the homeless.  It’s a way to be a big blessing, without having to spend a lot of money, because they are giving fresh produce for free. This could be a time that you can be even more generous than you normally could, if you’re able to turn those fresh produce into home prepared meals. Today, I want to wrap up remaining thoughts on the matter.

A Word of Caution

I made a comment in my post, “Your Private Ministry to Homeless Persons,” There 

are dangerous people out there” and went on to talk about homeless persons with mental illness and persons who about the dangers that homeless persons face every day. They are a vulnerable population of people, living in the cars, abandoned buildings, alleyways, or just on the streets. They suffer harm at the hands of other homeless persons and they suffer harm at the hands of people who take advantage of their situation-who rape, kidnap, and murder homeless persons because there’s a greater chance, they can get away with it. Who’s going to miss them, except their cohorts? And who’s going to believe their cohort’s report? It sickens and saddens me. And I feel guilty (though blessed) to get to come home at night and know that someone will be there and miss me if I didn’t. You may feel similarly.

Let’s pray for the homeless and others in need: pray for the helpers, too. Pray that God will send us (His people) where He wants us to go, and to do what He wants us to do. It’s a hard prayer, but “for Christ we live and for Christ we die.”

Giving- But Not Just Out of Obligation

Why do we give? It’s a Christian obligation for those of us who are Christians: and it’s a moral obligation or possibly just a tax write-off, for many others. But if you are a Christians, I hope you don’t just give out of obligation. Do you want to give, want to be generous, want to help? Or is it only something you check off your list as a matter of obligation? It matters that we do right things, the right way, and for the right reasons. It matters that we do things like help others (Matthew 25:34-40). It matters that we do them according to the Word of God: humbly and discreetly and not be seen and praised (Matthew 6:2,3). It matters that we do things for right reasons: to honor and glorify our God (1 Corinthians 10:31).


I pray you want to do right by people and in so doing; honor and glorify God, our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Give because you’re supposed to and because you want to. You will be blessed by being a blessing. God bless you.

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