Money & Envy

For I was envious of the boastful, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked… I was so foolish and ignorant; I was like a beast before You [God]. Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. (Psalm 73:3,22,23 NKJV)

These are words from a psalm of Asaph.  Sometimes the person who looks like they do everything but honor God, is the one who prospers. And meanwhile, you strive to honor your Father, who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and you are living almost check-to-check.

There are people who create misleading advertisements, who bombard you with unsolicited promotions, who sell your information for profit. There’s are people who skim money from the top or outright steal from you. There are people who scam you or steal your identity. Others publicly speak hate and yet seem untouchable. Some of them even hide under the guise of being Christian and they go on year after year, gaining from filthy lucre.

Asaph admitted he was a little envious. They seem to get stronger, richer, and even more audacious. Meanwhile, those who apply ethical and godly principals, don’t seem to prosper at all. You have a modest job, go to work just to pay bills, have to rob Peter to pay Paul, and have to scrape together your pennies and dollars whenever you want to do something special. You can’t take your family on vacation without  racking up debt, jump on a flight

to see a sick or dying loved one if need be, be a big financial help in someone’s life, or start or support a charity that really touches your heart. You want to do so much, but you feel stuck. Because you won’t lie, cheat, and steal; you feel like you’re coming up short.

But Asaph remembers the Word of God and the promises of God. He recalls to mind, that the wicked shall fail; that they will reap the wrath of God. Maybe, they won’t reap it this life or reap it in a way that can be seen on the surface, but all God’s promises are true. He remembered He was blessed in a greater way. His soul was rich in the Father and spiritual blessings. I hope you remember that as well. Do not be weary in well doing: for in due season you shall reap, if you faint not (Gal 6:9).

You can have a financial situation you can be proud of and still honor God. Maybe you won’t be filthy rich, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be wealthy. If the things you have been doing, don’t seem to make any long-term difference or significant impact, then try something different. Consider engaging with others who are doing well in the areas where you are not faring well.  You could take classes, read books and articles, get financial advising/consulting, and/or partner with others on a similar journey.

With good information and your proper application, you will see incremental changes that can lead to a completely new situation. You will have peace of mind knowing you are on a path that makes you proud and honors God in the process. You can start today and you don’t have to do it alone. God can use me or others like me to help. And you may be able to do it alone. I just believe we do better, together.