Mindset Matters

My Story

I remember praying about certain situations that I would find myself in, over and over, again. I guess somebody would call them strongholds. I would get extremely frustrated with myself. Eventually, I would reach a point where I’d say something like, “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t go back and pray the same prayer, ask for forgiveness yet another time, and make the same promise; just to fall in the same hole all over again.” So, I would just go on and try to live life, accepting the hopeless situation I was in.

I can also remember the moment, when I realized that was a form of pride. It’s basically saying, I’m not going to humble myself and grovel over this matter. I would rather let things be than to do that. When Jesus showed me that, I repented. Even though it’s been years, every now and then that thought still comes to me and secretly, I feel the same way- at least for a moment. The difference is, I see it for what it is and I immediately repent for my pride and pray for strength.

Next, I started asking myself, “What’s the alternative?” I think it’s a great question. For example, when I would end up in a situation where I overspent and couldn’t cover all my bills, I felt horrible. But then I started asking myself, “What’s the alternative? Give up? Just keep doing the same thing? Don’t try to figure it out. What?” And with that, I’d gain strength to fight another round.

Your Story

Maybe you are struggling with money, too (or some other situation). Somebody is going through, too. Most of us don’t grown up being taught simple

financial principles like using a budget. Whatever the specifics of your situation, I assure you it’s not uncommon.

Your mindset about what’s going on, the story you tell yourself, the lies you believe; all matter. But I challenge you to believe God. 

Believe, all things are working for your good. Believe that you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you. Believe that you are more than a conqueror. Do not grow weary in well doing, but believe that you shall reap a reward, if you don’t give up.

Feelings feel so real- almost more real… more true than Jesus Christ, who is the “Truth.” Don’t believe the lie.

Life is hard at times. You may feel frustrated, embarrassed, overwhelmed, and disheartened, but don’t give up. You may feel like it’s hopeless, but what’s the alternative? Give up? Are you going to be okay with that? Is your family going to be okay with that? What’s your life going to look like, if you concede to hopelessness?


Your mindset matters. Feed your mind the Truth. Everyday, make time for reading, studying, and meditating upon scripture. It can be just a few verses that you can journal about and pray about. You need this time, because the Truth is the only way to battle the lies you tell yourself. Happy thoughts, affirmations, and upbeat music can’t speak peace, like the Word of God can.

Feed your mind encouragement and inspiration. Read and listen to things that support your mental well-being. Be around people who affect you and influence you in positive ways. It’s great to have a friend to walk this journey with, but if you don’t, you can find great inspiration online. It’s not the quite the same, but I’ve found it the next best thing. You don’t have to do life alone.