Keeping the End-goal in Mind

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31. Let this thought guide you in all you do as a Christian.

Glory is defined as very great praise, honor or distinction bestowed by common consent; renown (

Our heart is to honor God in the things that we do; to reflect Him in the best light possible so that others will affirm, “How great is our God.”

There are things in life in which there is no explicit command to tell us what course to take. Although the Bible is our roadmap for life, it does not say, on such and such date, do such and such. But, in it contains all the wisdom and counsel we need for our everyday lives.

Learn to use 1 Corinthians 10:31 as a guide for measuring our actions and motives.  Come back to it time and again because the principal is timeless. It will make us speak when we want to be silent; to act when we want to take the easy way out. It will make us stop when we’re out of control; to turn around when we’re going the wrong way. It will make us forgive when we want to hold a grudge; to extend ourselves when we want to be left alone. 

Praise God! Three times I said, “It.” Of course, meaning the focus verse for this article and subject. And Jesus reminded me that He is the Word of God. So, it should read, “Jesus.” Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God, makes us speak, act, do and don’t do- that He would be glorified.

That does not mean we are perfect. How we wish we could say, like Jesus, I always do those things that please my Father -John 8:29. The reality is we don’t—but we want to. That’s our life’s goal- the end for which we desire to live and die. Not to win salvation (because that comes by grace), but to please our Father.

What comes along with that is to reflect Him in the best light possible. We don’t get to just do us. What we say, do, and don’t do all send a message about who and what we value and esteem in life.

Actions really do speak louder than words. Let us not be one of those women who talk faith, talk love, talk glory; but don’t live it out. May this verse come back to us time and again and cause us to examine our actions and motives by scripture (God’s standard). Let us read, study, pray, and seek out wise counsel, and be content to say and do as we are compelled by the Spirit of God.

There are many decisions, we may look back on and confidently affirm we would do them differently based on what we know now. But be content that we did what we did based on the degree of knowledge and understanding that we had at that time. If Jesus wanted us to do more or to do better, He would have given us the wisdom or urging to do so or would have sent us a counselor to advise us on the matter.

If your heart’s desire and intent is to reflect well upon God so that others see just how beautiful He is; and if you have diligently prayed and searched out the matter; if you have actively applied the bit you do understand, that is all you can do. You have kept the end-goal in mind- to do all for the glory of God. In this, He is well pleased- regardless as to the outcome. Remember the story of David wanting to build a temple for God? But the Lord said to my father David, ‘Whereas it was in your heart to build a temple for My name, you did well in that it was in your heart. –2 Chronicles 6:8

So, go and do- keeping this end-goal in mind.