If You Have Something to Say, I'll Listen

Last week, I was focused on getting past the superficial and saying something important; something that really matters; or something others may need to hear. Sadly, it took a few days before I realized the importance of listening to others. I guess that’s because I have so much to say, myself- sometimes, too much to say. In my zeal to help, I just started talking. By the grace of God, I was reminded to listen, to observe, to pray, and to exercise wisdom and discernment. These are graces I am still growing in, but I do trust Jesus will grow me as I go. I will get better.

So, do you have something to say? I’m an audience of one, but over the next several weeks (at least), I commit to listen. If you post, I’ll check in daily. I commit to read what you have to say. I just ask that for discretion, you not use names except to cite a source; and that you be tactful and respectful. God is not the author of confusion. May we will honor God, The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ, and do this to that end.

  • If you make a statement or express a thought or idea, I’ll acknowledge what you had to say.
  • If you have a question (especially biblically based), I’ll respond to the degree possible.
  • If you want to engage in a discussion, I’ll engage to the degree possible.

Others may respond, too. So, speak your heart and may God bless you.