Holding Patterns

For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm” Proverbs 1:32,33.

Held Back by Waywardness

No one likes to be called names- especially, simple. It’s like calling us a fool. We see ourselves as just as smart as the next person- possibly even smarter. But what I’ve learned is that our situation, while it does not necessarily define all of who we are as a person, it does make a statement about us.

When we end up in foolish situations, we have been foolish. Dare I say, we have been fools; we have been simple. When we have not properly applied biblical principles and have not sought to honor God in all areas of our lives (faith, family, finances, etc.), we prove ourselves to be simple and wayward. Even with the Spirit of God living in us, our flesh has a never ending tendency to turn out of the way or to go the wrong way.

Years ago, a woman I worked with always talked about what the Holy Ghost told her. One day, during a small group prayer, she spoke in what she called “tongues.” When I approached her about it, she told me the Holy Ghost was speaking through her. When I provided scripture to say she was out of order, she couldn’t receive it. But, y’all, God does not speak out both sides of His mouth. 

Are there areas in your life you are you being wayward and misusing scripture to defend? That way of thinking is dangerous, ruinous and can set you up for failure. It’s holding you back.

Jesus Christ said He is the way; the way out of darkness,  the way out of mindsets that hold us back, and the way to eternal life. So, walk in Jesus by walking in His Word. His truth will set our minds free. Only He can turn us from simple to wise.

Held Back by Complacency

Former President, Jimmy Carter is quoted as saying, “I hate to see complacency prevail in our lives when it is so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ.” Amen to that. 

Complacency is defined as a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; smug satisfaction with an existing situation.

Proverbs 1: 32 says, complacency of fools will destroy them. It is a foolish thing to be pleased to remain as you are, to be satisfied with mediocrity, to ignore the dangers or consequences of inaction. I’m not talking about discontentment in Christ. I’m talking about turning a deaf ear to the cries of our human condition. We have work to do.

And don’t mistake activity with action. Activity is busyness; and busyness is like treading water. Every day, from sunup to sundown…from the time we open our eyes in the morning until we close them at the end of night, we are treading water (going to church, going to work, taking care of family, doing chores, running errands, etc), but not making progress.

Are you running on autopilot; set it and forget it? Are you doing the same thing day after day and either resigned that its so or still promising to do better one day? I’ve been there, but your complacency is holding you back.

Whoever said, get comfortable being uncomfortable is right. It’s the only way to grown, to improve, and to progress- in our own lives and also in society. 

We have a work to do, a commission to carry out, talents to put to work, people to love, and a God to glorify. Work while it’s daylight!

Our passages ends by reminding us that whoever of us who listens to Wisdom [of Christ] and applies in all of life’s situations, will live in safety and ease, without fear of harm. Why? Because His Spirit is with us, leading and guiding us in all truth; strengthening us by His power and might; and working through us for His joy and glory.


The reality is, though, without the Spirit of God we can only ever be wayward. We cannot walk in the Way of Jesus Christ in our own strength. Without the Spirit of God, we cannot hear the call to, work while it’s daylight because nighttime comes when no man can work. Only God can gift us those graces.

Let us seek the Lord and wisdom; walk in His Ways; and be about His business. We will find rest in Him- who works in us for His Will and His pleasure.