Free Indeed!

Our Story: Not Quite Free

Today, I read an email message from the President and CEO of the NAACP, Derrick Johnson, entitled, “Today we declare: Independent, but not quite Free…” The title says it all.

I, too, would love it if our nation didn’t have so many policies, systems, and agendas designed to keep African Americans from thriving.  I would love it if certain assumptions weren’t made about us as individuals, and us as a people, based on the color of our skin and/or our ethnic heritage. I support the NAACP and other efforts to fight for equality and am thankful for any progress and even small wins.

Free Indeed

What I’m thankful for most this Independence Day, is freedom in Christ.

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). Happy Dependence Day!

That’s counter to the way we think. In this country independence and freedom go hand in hand; and is the basis for declaring a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Whereas in Christ, our dependence on Him (for everything) is the basis for us crying Father, Father; the basis for us being able to come before the throne of a Holy God and receive the gift of everlasting life, peace, and joy.

Not Because We Earned It

We were born in sin and as a result, separated from God who is Holy and altogether without 

sin. Nothing in ourselves could wash our filthy hearts and minds and make us fit to stand before Him; no prayer we pray, no action on our part, no prayer our mom and dad prayed, no prayer the pastor prayed, etc. Nothing you or I could say or do, could do it- only the grace of God through Jesus Christ.

It is a Gift

Unlike the founders who broke off from country, nation, and people; we cannot break off from the kingdom of darkness, sin, and Satan. We are wholly helpless. But Christ Jesus lived the perfect sinless life that we could not live. He redeemed us who were enslaved to sin and destined for a fiery hell, by His death on the cross. His blood covered our sin and reconciled us to the Father. His righteousness covered our nakedness and shame so that we can boldly stand before God, crying Father, Father (Galatians 5:6). Our freedom in Christ is a gift from God, who gave His only begotten Son.


When you’re feeling some kind of way about how people and things are, find comfort in knowing you are free in Christ. No one can take that from you. If you were to be fired tomorrow, thank God that though they can take your job, they cannot take your salvation and freedom in Christ. If you were to lose your reputation by something someone didn’t like about your past or present; thank God that cannot destroy who you are in Christ.  

No matter what we suffer in this world, when we are standing in Christ, we can celebrate dependence on Him and being free indeed. Happy Dependence Day!