Everything that Sounds Good is Not Good

We really have to be careful of who and what we listen to- especially when it comes to the Word of God. So many people quote scripture, talk about God, and are ordained as pastors, teachers, preachers, evangelists, ministers, and doctors of theology in the Christian religion; and are not salt and light. The words they speak, don’t preserve and edify our souls and grow us up in faith in Jesus Christ.

For those of us who are in stages of our lives where we feel like God is calling us to do something different- maybe even something big; it can be quite scary and lonely. And because of that we find ourselves inspired by those who use scripture to soothe our fears and give us some similitude of hope that we can actually do what we feel called to do.

Somebody’s wondering what we’re scared about. Well, it’s because it’s new, unchartered territory in our journey, thus far. The testimonies of others who’ve done it, inspires us, that we may be able to do as well. It might be getting out of debt so we can be able to fund that woman’s ministry, that home for teen mom’s, that youth program, etc. Or maybe, being able to buy the home we want, provide private education for our children, and have freedom in our schedule to make memories with our loved one. It could be starting a business to provide a service or product that others need. It can be anything- but it’s new, unfamiliar, exciting, and also intimidating.

Most of us brown and black people don’t have people in our circle who are highly successful in careers they love; businesses they start; wealth building; legacy creating; and impacting the lives of others in ways they feel called to. We also don’t normally have a strong community of people who tell us we can do it, to go after our dreams and goals, to seek our election and calling, etc. Not only are they not for us, but some of them are also  actively against us (telling us it’s childish, selfish, carnal minded, and we should grow up and learn to be content). As a result, we look for affirmation in YouTube, podcasts, events, and books. There are thousands of of people telling us we absolutely can do it. We can get out of debt, have the life we want, live out our purpose, etc.

Some of these authors and speakers have shown themselves to be consistent in their message, in right interpretation and application of scripture, and giving glory to God through Jesus Christ. Of course, 

that doesn’t mean they are perfect, but they don’t present themselves to be and they earnestly strive to represent Christ in a right way.

But some, use filthy language and analogies and mix it with talk about God and scripture; emphasize only money and earthly rewards; and/or talk like God owes us and/or is obligated to us.  One of the most followed tv evangelists said, Sometime we have to remind God of what He said… of what He promised us. He said he wants people feel good. Another plays the role of giving tough love, emphasizing a person’s lack of faith and ability to take what’s owed, is the reason for their situation. 

Too often, we see God treated like a candy or vending machine, in which people put their token time, efforts, bible readings, church going, and donations in order to get a return on investment as they believe is promised by scripture. And sometimes God is portrayed like a slot machine that if you try enough combinations or implement your latest strategy, you’ll find your big payoff. No one openly puts it that way. In fact, many people seem incredibly sincere, and they may be—but the bible says, “Out of the same mouth proceed blessings and cursings. My brethren these things ought not to be so (James 3:10 NKJV). When we hear this stuff, let’s not be fooled by their title, their story, their popularity, how earnest they look, or how uplifting their message; but get away from it. It does not bring God glory and it will not do our souls good.

And yes God tells us to, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10 NKJV). Giving with the wrong motive is not the answer, but we could still walk away having gained some earthly and temporary reward. The real reward- the eternal reward- is the soul being blessed because we have done what the Father said, in the right way (according to the word of God), and for the reason (the glory of God).

When we tithe and exercise godly stewardship, we will likely reap an earthly reward by way of a healthy financial situation (because the scriptures do give practical instructions for living), but more importantly, we will reap a spiritual blessing. Our hearts will overflow with the love and peace of God. We can’t pay for that or beat that. We will be blessed by being a blessing.


My ask:  I strive to rightly divide the Word of Truth and trust that the love of God in you, will compel you to reach out and reason with me, if you feel I have missed the mark- in this and anything I say from scripture.