Do Not Give Up! Do Not Give In!

There will be times when you don’t feel so well and times when you don’t do so well. Maybe you’ve been sick, haven’t mentally had your head in the game, and haven’t been as disciplined as you normally would be. Maybe life has gotten in the way and you’ve been on the go from sun up to sun down, Sunday through Saturday. Sometimes it’s like that and that’s okay.

Don’t use that as an excuse to give up! Don’t use that for an excuse to give in, altogether. Remember why you started this journey. Maybe you’re tired of making the same foolish mistakes and are ready to do a new thing- a better thing. Maybe you want to create a different life for your family. Maybe you’ve committed to honor Christ in this neglected area of your life. Maybe you want to pay it forward to future generation. Whatever your why is, let that reignite the fire in you to go another round. Today (or tomorrow), is a new day, a new opportunity. Don’t not be weary in well doing, for in due season, you will reap (a reward), if you do not faint (if you do not give up)!