Buy Instruction

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instructions, and understanding (Proverbs 23:23).

Instruction is knowledge or information imparted. The psalmist says, buy instruction; seek to learn what it is we don’t know; seek an education. Most of all, study to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen and women that need not to be ashamed; rightly dividing the word of truth (paraphrase of 2 Timothy 2:15).

There is no shame in not knowing something. No one on earth knows everything. Yet to have a heart of a student is a good thing- especially concerning those things that will enable us to serve God better, to bring glory to the name of Jesus, to strengthen relationships, to exercise and put to work our talents, and to properly steward the resources placed in our possession. So, while ignorance (not to be crude) is not inherently wrong, not taking up the task to learn will cost us. Much more than the time, energy, effort, and money; our lack of zeal to learn could result in the loss of credibility, respect, godly stewardship, healthy finances, career opportunities, relationships, and spiritual benefits.

Let’s have the heart of a student. We can learn by observing people, things, and situations. When we’re paying attention, every day we can find a lesson lived out before us, speaking to our hearts and minds; 

guiding our emotions and even our actions. But, this isn’t what this passage is talking about.

It means, sitting under the teaching of someone who knows more than us (even if only in particular subjects) and allowing knowledge to be imparted to us. We went to school to receive instruction in general education (reading, writing, and arithmetic).  Many of us received instruction to prep us for careers in accounting, cosmetology, engineering, and medicine. Furthermore, to improve our bodies (nutritious, exercise, and meditation) and to o get to know our God (His character, plan, and will for our lives).

I’ve heard it said, we are in the information age. We are inundated with information coming from a wide spectrum of sources. That means, every day we are exposed to information that is more damaging than edifying. So we must be diligent to seek instruction that will build us up- that will make us stronger, make us wiser, and yes- make us better. Let’s be humble enough to seek out instruction and open and receptive to learning- that we may live enriched lives, enrich others, and most of all, glorify our Great God and Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Money Instruction:

If all hell breaks through because your check don’t come as scheduled; there are people like me who can teach you how to fix this situation. You don’t have to stay in that situation.

Definition (Instruction) from (6/6/2021)