Are You a Woman of Faith?

Are you a woman of faith? And faith in Who or What? Do you know what that looks like? It can be confusing, because so many people go about proclaiming themselves to be people of faith. The image you see is not consistent and doesn’t tell the same story. I will share what I know, but ultimately urge you to find your answer in Jesus Christ, who is The Word of God. He says, If anyone lacks wisdom, ask God.   

Faith is your belief, confidence, trust in a person or thing. And what you believe matters. On the back of police cars in Baltimore City (2018), were stickers that simply said, Believe. Whenever I saw one, I would audibly comment, “Believe what?” It matters what you believe. Your belief or faith is only as good as that which you place it. Everyone believes something. That’s where all the religious systems come from. Even atheist have a belief system.

When I ask are you a woman of faith, I’m asking if you are a Believer; if you have saving belief in 

salvation through Jesus Christ? I’m not asking if you go to church, because anybody can do that; or if you read your bible, because anybody can do that; or believe in God, because anybody can do that. It’s not about you knowing scripture; or mama praying for you; what church you attend or office you hold; or daily affirmations and positive thoughts.

Do you have a heart that has been changed by the Holy Spirit to a saving faith in Jesus Christ; to know Him through His Word and desire to know Him the more; to trust His Word to be Truth, and the last word in any matter; to demonstrate your love, through obedience; to live a life with one heart’s desire and striving that supersedes everything else in life- that Christ be glorified in all you say and do? Regardless as to how well you run the race, as a woman of faith, you have an abiding peace that God that began the good work in you, will perform it until it’s completion. You believe His Word to be true, trust it to be true, and take confidence in knowing it is true. It is interwoven into who you are as a woman of faith. …and that’s a blessing. If this is not you, pray for the Holy Spirit, the scriptures say so. And then reach out to someone you know whose life reflects the above. You can reach out to me.