A Spring Money-Maker

I think May is the best month of the year and spring, the best season. Yes, May is my birthday month, but it’s also the first month it actually feels like spring the entire time. Jackets off and toes out. Also, there’s a renewed sense of energy and desire to do things- especially some outdoor things.

One of the things you can do this spring is to have a yard sale. You’re already swapping out winter clothes for spring and summer clothes. And if you are like me and lots of other women I know, you have dozens and possibly hundreds of clothes, shoes, and other items laying around the house that you don’t use and don’t need. They are just collecting dust and taking up space.

I got this money-making tip from The Dave Ramsey Show and The His and Her Money Show (YouTube). Instead of just giving away dozens of items like I did every year, I could try to recoup some of the money I spent on those things by having a yard sale and use that income to pay down debt. So, the summer before the 2020 pandemic, I had 5 separate yard sales scattered throughout the spring, summer, and fall. It’s the first time I had ever done anything like it. After paying tithes, all my earnings, I put towards paying down my student loan debt.

Getting rid of clutter seems to always pop up in the journey towards financial wellness. Declutter your finances, declutter your home, declutter your life. Unless you have already been practicing the minimalist lifestyle, you probably have a lot of stuff (clothes between sizes 10-20 for every season of the year, tennis shoes, high heels you can’t wear any more, slides, dishes, old appliances, tools, books, knickknacks, movies, children toys, and whatever). Did you know people will buy your used toiletries (shampoos, body lotions, shaving cream, nail polish, etc)? You’re not going to break the bank on any of these things, but you might rack in a few hundred to several hundred dollars like I did.

Make it fun. Invite family and/or friends to come over and bring there items, too. Everything is more fun with other people. Plus, you can work as a team, to keep an eye on things and assist customers. You can also invite your neighbors to join you. It may turn into a community event. I’ll share more in a future post, this May. I plan to have mine in June. Someone asked me about it on Monday and it was already on my mind. Two is a witness! J  

It’s a lot of work, yes, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun and rewarding. It’s a matter of perspective. Let me know if you decided to have one. I’d love to know how it turned out. In the meantime, start gathering your items into totes or a designated room or space. Happy hunting!