Say Something Important to Someone

As a woman, you have a lot on your plate. You awaken early and after a brief period of devotions, you are on overdrive the rest of the day. You have every intention to check in on or follow-up with, or just to talk to that family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker. But you fall victim to your to-do list and another day goes by, another week goes by, and another month goes by.

I began this website with a heart to do better and to inspire and empower other women to do the same. It’s about acknowledging the past but seizing today- taking tiny steps in a positive direction (spiritually, relationally, personally, financially, etc.). Today’s challenge is to that same end. Don’t take for granted you’ll say that important thing, tomorrow. You can’t bank on the fact there will be a tomorrow for them or you. And if there is, you know tomorrow’s to-do list will be just as long.

What important thing do you have to say? It doesn’t have to be the most important thing but go beyond the superficial. Is there something Jesus has put on your heart to say? Is it for a particular person or can it be for most anybody? Make a decision, make the call, schedule a lunch date, invite them over, or stop by.

What does that person need to hear from you? Is it to say I’m sorry or I forgive you? Is it to share the gospel? Is it to talk about something a bit uncomfortable, but important? Examine what you have to say and why it’s important. Go to God in prayer; pray for wisdom and discernment. Make sure it isn’t all about you and go for the purpose of building up or empowering the other person. You have no control over how it will be received. Sometimes, telling the truth- even in the meekness of love and for the glory of God- can be ill received. That’s likely one of the reason’s you put it off. On the other hand, it may go wonderfully and really bless their heart. Either way, since tomorrow is not promised and God has given you something to say, trust Him and say it. Jesus will prosper it in His way and in Him time.

I’m joining you in this challenge and I would love to hear how it went or your thoughts in general. God be with us. Bless you, Lovelies.