Discovering God's Purpose For Me

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. -Jeremiah 29:11 Today, this verse came to mind. I’ve been going around for the last five years trying to figure out what God’s plan is for me; trying to discover my purpose. Sometimes, it seems very plain. I look at the skills and abilities that He’s given me and say, I’m meant to be a teacher, a writer, an encourager, and a project coordinator. In the past I have done well with those things and felt like (or hoped) I was being a blessing. I enjoy the subject of finances and made a lot of progress quickly, so I was sure I was supposed to teach about money. Then, other times, I’ve been utterly confused because things didn’t just fall into place the way, I assumed.

Today, as I reflected upon this scripture, I was reminded that The Lord knows the thoughts He thinks towards us. It says the Lord knows. His Word does not plainly lay out for us, what His plans are for us on a day-by-day basis. Trying to figure out the mind of God is impossible.

But our Father has not left us without insight. Let’s finish the verse. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil (or plans to prosper you and not to harm you). In addition to safety, one of the definitions of peace is, prosperity. That may not make sense at first, but prosperity is not to 

be in want, lack, or need- and that’s what it means to have peace.  When our mind is tormented, wracked, and anxious, something is missing. But, when all the world around us seems a mess and we have the peace that surpasses all understanding, we are rich. We are rich is a way that surpasses anyone’s worldly wealth. There are many tormented rich people looking for the next partner, newest high, next dollar, popularity, or the next fix) because something is missing.  Now, that’s not to say, there aren’t wealthy believers in the kingdom of God, because He has people in every economic level. It also doesn’t mean there are driven people in the kingdom of God, who feel like they were created to do more. But true peace and prosperity comes though faith in God, not one’s financial portfolio or good works.

The Lords has thoughts to give you an expected end (or a future and a hope.) Only God knows what our future holds, but we can be sure even the hard things work for our good. Though we don’t know the day to day, we do know by faith, that through Christ, we shall inherit eternal life and all the joys that come with it. Our hopes will be realized. When we think about that, I pray we are greatly encouraged.

Be content with God’s prerogative. Let us move forward with the desires He has put our hearts and enjoy the process. Enjoy the process of becoming mature women of Christ; doing what He will have us to do; the process of growing in faith and His Word; the process of supporting other women and families along the way; and more. When we forget, may this scripture give us peace. God is prospering us in ways we may not yet see. He is faithful to keep His promises.