Can Small-Group Accountability Help with Money Goals and More?

Ladies, have you been promising to fix your money situation for years now? Did you stall out shortly after starting? Sometimes it helps to have someone to walk with you through the process, to cheerlead and nudge you to keep going. Whether me or someone else you know or trust, consider getting help. There are plenty of competent professionals like me, who are more than willing to support you in your goals.


I love the idea of a co-accountability group- a small group of people that hold one another accountable. With or without personalized services from a professional, a co-accountability group could be just what you need.


Members could have a shared purpose- like a “Fix Our Money Group.” Without discussing actual numbers, members could share their goals, strategies, tips, feelings, wins, losses, etc. And since everyone’s on a similar journey, you have that experience to help build a bond.


But I think members could also have diverse purposes. The very thing that you are weak in, someone else could be strong in and vice versa. Also, the thing that you are struggling through right now, may be different in three months. So, while you’re challenged in getting on a consistent money plan right now, others like me, could support you in that effort. 

Meanwhile, you could support us, in time management, cooking, nutrition, or fitness goals- whatever area you perform well in. Share your experiences, tips, tricks, and resources. You don’t have to be an expert; you just have to be a couple notches, better than us.


No two groups will look the same. And opportunities are endless. Every day may look different or the same. You can meet once or twice a week (or more), early mornings or late evenings (or both); for a full 30 minutes or just 10 minutes (or whatever); you can set a goal and tell the team what you need, or just share a win/loss. But there are no bystanders. Everyone in the group shares a goal, a win, or a loss. And everyone in the group cares enough to respond to their peers- whether to brainstorm on strategies, encourage, inform, console, pray for, and/or challenge.


Of course, it takes time to build trust and relationships, but I think most people love to see other people win- especially the “least likely to succeed.” Sometimes, in our own eyes, we feel like the least likely to succeed. There are people who want us to win, that want you to win. You don’t have to do it alone. And there is the added benefit, that you are giving just as much as you are getting, by helping others win. You win and help others to win. What do you think?

Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established. – Proverbs 15:22