Trying to Get Rich Quick?

I still remember dreaming about winning the Publisher’s Clearing House or what I would do if I won the Maryland Lottery. I guess a lot of people wonder about what they would do if they won a lot of money. We’d move ourselves and our loved ones, into a better, in a better neighborhood. We’d go somewhere we always wanted to go or do something we always wanted to do. We’d help our churches, or causes they really matter to us. I did that well into my twenties and every now and then, I think about what I would love to do, if I little business takes off and does extremely well financially. I pray about a covetous spirit though (a spirit to want what someone else has). Coveting is expressly forbidden in the bible and it does not show honor to God our Father and provider.

In an article posted by CNBC, they say, Americans spend over $1,000 a year on lotto tickets, even though odds of winning a far less than being eaten by a grizzly bear. And they say, about half of Americans play their state lottery according to the US Census Bureau.  Lots of people- including Christians- are still out to win big and change their families lives. But is this what we should be doing?

What the Bible Says

The bible says, Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty. A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished (Proverbs 18:19,20 NIV).

God does not condone our efforts to try to get rich quick. Fill your days with chasing down ways to make a lot of money fast, and you’ll find you’ll lose a lot of money fast. You could prove to much better off working consistently and building your savings and improving your financial situation over time, using sound financial principals. Either way, you reap what you sow. Foolishly throw your money towards lotteries and schemes that promise quick rewards and you could lose thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. [O]ne 

who is eager to get rich will not go unpunished. God said do.

That doesn’t mean, you can’t chase your dream of starting a business or doing something else. It just means, proceed with caution, exercise discretion, do your homework, mitigate loss, and conduct yourself as a wise and faithful steward. Above all, acknowledge God in all your ways (Proverbs 3:5.6). Your venture may not work out the way you plan, even with your best and godliest efforts, but you reap the blessing of honoring God and acquiring experience that you couldn’t have gained otherwise. You can’t lose when you honor God in your efforts.

What You Could Do Instead

Most Americans don’t have $1,000 in an emergency savings account. When life happens, personal loans and credit cards are the go-to. I was one of those people that thought was normal- just the way it is. I didn’t know a better way. But there is.

Did you know, you could save and invest $1,000 into a conservative investment with a return of 10%, and that $1,000 could double in about 7 years?  Continue to invest $83/month (almost $1,000/year), over the course of the next 10 years and you could have $18,467 potentially. Compound interest in the financially savvy’s portfolio’s best friend. But if you are averse to investing and chose to keep your $1,000 initial deposit and $83/month in a traditional bank account, you could have a little over $11,000 after 10 years. Don’t trust banks either, you could save in whatever hidden corner of your home you want, and still have $10,960.


Lots of Christians desire to be rich, even though the bible expressly warns of the dangers associated. No, the bible doesn’t say money is evil, only that the love money is the root of all evil- it leads to only evil. Love of money causes people to compromise doing what is wise and right. Throwing away thousands of dollars into lotteries and chasing fantasies of getting rich quick, aren’t right. As Christians, it matters that we do the right things, the right way, and for the right reason. It matters that we exercise wisdom and that we honor Christ Jesus, who is the Word of God.