Church Fundraisers, Tithes, Pledges and More

My Story

My early years at church are filled with memories of anniversaries, programs, celebrations, and dinners. Every year we would have Men’s Day and Women’s Day and there would be a “friendly competition” to see which group would raise the most money. There would be the Usher’s Anniversary, Missionary Anniversary, Mother Board Anniversary, Pastor’s Anniversary, Church’s Anniversary, and each Choir had its own anniversary, too. Each anniversary would come with the invitation for another Pastor to come and to bring his church to help celebrate. Those visitors would help support the event and hopefully bring funds to go towards our financial goal. There was always a goal. We sold dinners, calendars, hosted trips to the Pottery, had car washes, and more. Every year, the goal was to exceed what was raised the previous year. It seemed like we were always busy; and always buying and selling. That’s how the bills got paid.

After many years repeating this pattern, Jesus led our Pastor to pull back on a lot of those events and practices. I remember distinctly hearing Pastor emphasize that we would not be selling dinners and doing other fundraisers, to raise money for our new church. Instead, it would be by tithes, offerings, and pledges. Each person was asked to pray about an amount to pledge and then to keep their pledge. In 2000, we marched into our new church- without having reverted back to our normal practices. And even though the church membership was somewhat small, Jesus was faithful in paying off the mortgage in less than twenty years, reaffirming to me, that the Word of God works, and God is faithful.

Something to Think About

I didn’t share that story to boast in the flesh; I only boast in God. He makes much of little. If your church is involved in a lot of fundraising activities, consider whether appropriate emphasis is being placed on the importance of tithes and offerings.

If you are not tithing yourself, think about why that might be. Maybe you were just going along with the flow. A lot of times, we walk into situations and kind of just go with the flow, never really questioning much. But it doesn’t 

have to stay that way. You can start, now. Maybe you can initiate discussion about this and see how Jesus leads you all. Who knows how He may change hearts and change things over time?

Many people don’t tithe, and I can’t say that a person isn’t saved because they don’t tithe, just as I can’t say that a person is saved because they do. There is nothing we can do to lose or earn our salvation.  But the Word of God does tell us to do these things- to tithe and offer offerings. Once we see the right thing to do, we have a responsibility to do it (Ephesians 5:8). It’s not optional and though our disobedience is not enough to shake our standing in Christ, we will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7).

Jesus does not appear to be advocate of people buying and selling in the church (John 2:14-16). Instead, let’s tithes and trust that God will be faithful in His promise to pour out blessings (Malachi 3:10).

In addition, be careful to keep your pledge/vow you make before God. The bible says, 

When you make a vow to God, do no delay to pay its; for He has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you have vowed. Better not to vow than to vow and not pay. Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, nor say before the messenger of God that it was an error. Why should God be angry at your excuse and destroy the work of your hands (Ecclesiastes 5:4-6)?

Strong words. Be a person of your word and do what you day you’re going to do. Even more, consider that none of us knows what tomorrow will hold, so it’s better not vow at all; just let our yay be yay and our nay be nay (Matthew 5:37).


There are a lot of things going on in churches, today and a lot of it does not glorify God- even though that may be the most important thing we can do– glorify God, that is (1 Corinthians 10:31). It matters what we do and how we do it. For example, there could be a legitimate need to raise funds, just like in the bible. At times, God’s people were urged to  give and to do so generously. They gave willingly, looking for nothing in return. Things were done decently and in order. We must seek to do the same.  

Why? For Christ’s name sake. It matters what message we send about our God, His Word, and our trust in the truthfulness and faithfulness of His Word. He is a great God- a great provider.