A Personal Statement

This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8 NKJV).

 My Story

I was naively going about life: working, paying bills, going to church and trying to do right. One thing I’ve learned as a Christian is, the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know– about spiritual things, about earthly things.

I had read the bible through multiple times and attended church and bible study avidly. So, how come there were such basic things that completely went over my head? How come, all the years I read and heard, “Owe no man anything but love,” I never thought to practically apply it- that scripture and a host of other scriptures? I was going to church, learning scripture, focusing on the soul, and ignoring many of the realities of life. As a result, I lived in debt and suffered under the anxiety of hiding from bill collectors and fear of utility services being shut off. I borrowed money to make ends meet, on numerous occasions. When I made a bit more money, I raised my standard of living and increased my level of spending. I fell for marketing ploys that made me feel like I had to have it (whatever “it” was) and fell for the pressure of not falling too far behind the lifestyle and trends of my friends.

I suffered collateral effects of not knowing the basics of godly stewardship and money management. It wasn’t until 2017 that God showed me (prayerfully for the last time), that I was doing something wrong. I was overspending and that did not glorify Him. And I didn’t know how to fix it on my own; I had tried. I needed help.

Have you been there?

How Some of Us Got There

Sometimes, churches place a heavy emphasis on spiritual things, almost to the exclusion of earthly things. And I get it. Unlike the two people I heard say, “The bible talks more about money than salvation” (which is utterly ridiculous and blasphemous), I know that the 

primary purpose of scripture is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ that souls may be saved. Our opportunity could be over in a moment or twinkling of an eye.

If we knew life would be over in a matter of seconds; money, nor any other earthly thing would matter- only the salvation of our souls and as many other people as possible. But we don’t know when that moment will be. In the interim:  we read and study the bible, gather to edify one another, work, strive to make wise decisions, be generous, help others, and a bunch of other things; some spiritual in nature and some earthy in nature; some for the glory of God and some in vain effort to satisfy this flesh.

My Personal Statement

The purpose of the information I share is not to teach you to covet or trust in materialism, riches, and earthly treasure; and not to trust in people, nor your own personal wisdom and abilities.

I pray it will teach you to acknowledge the full word of God and that is good and applicable to everyday living; to practice godly stewardship; to make wise and informed decisions; to do the best you can and be content with however Jesus works things out; to make Him your treasure; and to trust that our Father knows best.

My Request

In my posts, you’ll read my stories, I’ll share my opinions, and may even urge you to consider a certain course of action. Everything posted is for educational purposes, only. When it comes to the use of scripture, I pray that I am extra careful to use it appropriately. If I do not, I am relying on you to let me know. If I have contradicted my declaration, I am relying on you to let me know. It’s possible that we may walk away with two different viewpoints, but I trust we will have grown through the exchange. And at least we will have reasoned together, in love, and that honors Christ.


Only when we meditate on the Word of God and make every effort to obey all that is written in it, will we meet with good success. So do all you can do while you can do it. It won’t be you though; but the Spirit of God working in you. To God be the glory!

Comments are always welcome and encouraged. Thanks, in advance.