Happy Father's Day!
My Story
A few years ago, I shared a message entitled, Thank God for Men- Especially Men of God.” It wasn’t Father’s Day, but it was something I felt compelled to share. Whenever I read the bible, I am keen on the role that men play. They are leaders, protectors, and providers.
An Example
The story that’s normally comes to my mind first is about David. David was on the run from Saul and took refuge with the Philistines. A day came when the Philistines were going to do battle with Israel and to maintain his cover, David took all of his men to battle as supposed allies with the Philistines. Anyway, he ends up being sent back to Ziklag (he and his men) for fear that they he would turn against the Philistines to fight with their own people (the Israelites). When David returns to camp, all the city is burned and the women and children are gone- taken captive by the Amalekites. Now god is gracious and David and his men recover their families, but my point is, there were no men in the city to serve this important role. You can read this story in 1 Samuel 28-30.
Blessed Things that Men Do
Men, don’t always get it right- but then neither do women. No one’s perfect. But, I still thank God for men- saved and unsaved. There are men who step up to make sure women are safe, who walk up to our cars, change our tires, and talk to the mechanic who wants to get over on us because we’re women- and normally don’t know as much about mechanics. There are men who are active in their children’s lives and who provide for their families and sometimes for children in other families. There are men who, on the surface, don’t look like they’re about much- but try hard to do right. It may not level up to someone else’ standards, but they do what they can.
Blessed Ways that Men Are
Men are more utilitarian, and that comes in handy, at times. I remember an incident at church, where the Pastor Support Committee was charged with choosing what color(s) we’d wear for the
upcoming anniversary. We women went back and forth between lavender, black, white, silver. Pastor loved purple, so it was always a major color in the theme. It was only one man on the auxiliary and we finally resorted to him. His response took 10 seconds. He simply said, “Black and white,” and with that the matter was closed. I laugh every time I think about it. They’re a whole lot more serious matters where this pays off, too (like war).
God is perfect in what He does. We, women, may get on men for not being sensitive or for offering advice when we only want someone to listen. But, by nature, most men are about getting things done. They enjoy fixing things (even our problems)- even if it’s not what we need or want at the time.
Blessedness of Men of God
And men of God, lead us in the word of God- or at least they’re charged to. Now, many churches have a higher ratio of women. We’ve been going to church for years and actively involved in bible study. So, we know a lot and we don’t mind letting others know. But God place men as head of their households and as leaders in Christ’s church. Whether they own the role or not, it’s theirs. They have to give account for that. But there are some- some who take their charge seriously, who study, who lead, and who rule their houses well. And there are others who earnestly try. They may not boast about how saved (or even feel qualified to use that title (saved)), but they earnestly strive to apply the Word as God reveals it to them. Who knows what great things God might do through them? Every day is a day of grace.
I give double honor to our Father’s in the Faith- Pastors who labor in the Word, who lead Christ’s church well, and earnest watch for our souls. May we be humble and obedient parishioners so they may do their jobs with joy and not with grief for Hebrews 10:17 says, to do otherwise is unprofitable for us. One day, I hope to talk about that more.
We can always find fault. There’s a lot of that going around. But there are men who really try to be all they’re called to be and do all they’re called to do. And I thank God for them- save and unsaved. I give double honor to those who who strive after the Word of God, lead their houses well and especially those who watch for our souls. Happy Father’s Day!