12 Ways to Be a Blessing

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all… (Galatians 6:10a NKJV). Let’s look for ways to do good, to be a blessing, to help, to encourage, to build up, to offer hope, etc. There is plenty of negativity going around. We are inundated with it on any given day on every media platform we engage in. We don’t have to seek it out, it’s just there. Kindness, on the other hand comes purposefully; someone has to actively initiate it, look for, engage in it. Today, let that be us.

 Let’s bring a bit of love and light to the world- not just cliches and affirmations (though many people find comfort in them). True peace is only found in Jesus Christ, so let’s share that hope as we have opportunity. And let’s look for little ways to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

 Chose something on this list, or something altogether different:

1. Call or Zoom-in to check on someone

2. Send a card, note, or letter and say something meaningful- even in brief

3. Host a family and/or friends virtual event via Zoom 

4. Meet someone for lunch and actually talk with each other- face to face- no cell phones

5. Go on a walk with a friend; talk and walk and enjoy that time together

6. Ask someone how they are feeling and actually listen to their response

(Do they just need a listening ear of someone who cares, someone to pray with them, and/or an encouraging word or bit of advice?)

7. Pray for someone who comes to mind and then do what the Spirit of God leads you to do

8. Offer to help someone with a project or include someone in on your project

9. Wrestle through understanding a verse with someone; it’ll bless you both

10. Bless someone with a homecooked meal; or something they need or want

11. Let someone know you thank God for something they said or did, or how God is using them

12. Talk earnestly about the Word of God and the hope we have in Jesus


There are many ways to show love and kindness (or loving kindness) to others. It’s part of finishing well. We really don’t know when the end will be. So, let’s live like it really could be any day. Sure, the Word of God says so, but let’s live like we believe it.  Let’s live today, to finish well.  Let’s not look for anything in return and certainly not stick our chests out to boast. Let’s be humbled by the opportunity to be a blessing; and find our blessing in being a blessing.