Balance in the Grind

We are grinding for a time; putting time, energy, and effort into getting our affairs in order; getting our finances straight; learning the things we don’t know that will help us improve in areas where we aren’t fairing so well; etc. We’re hitting “it” hard so that we can reach our goals as quickly (and lawfully) as possible.

Some church people don’t like to talk about this kind of stuff. They think it’s carnal minded and earth centered. Well, it is. But the reality is, we are people living on this earth and have real bills, real expenses, real families to feed, real debts to pay, real behaviors and addictions to deal with; and real repercussions to contend with. Nowhere in the bible, does it co-sign a lax attitude towards business. On the contrary we are commanded to be fervent in business. 

At the same time, we are clearly admonished by, verses like, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:36,37).

Verses like this keep us sober minded about things; help recalibrate our thinking when we stray too far to the left or too far to the right. I say, “too far”, because I don’t think we ever walk a completely straight path. We are in the flesh and and except we spend our days in reading, studying, meditating upon, and praying over the word of God and preaching that message solely, we are dealing with earthly matters that quite frankly distract us from kingdom things. Even at our best, we can only really focus on one thing at a time. Jesus Christ is always having to bring His Word back to our remembrance; reminding of things like the above passage in Mark 8, or verses that remind us whatever we do, do to the glory of God, to be angry and sin not (which is not a license to be angry), to forgive, to proclaim the Gospel (Good News), and to love. This is a mark of blessing upon a believer that the God will whisper (or shout), This is the way, walk ye in it, when [we] turn to the right hand, and when [we] turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:21b).

Let’s continue in our daily devotions with God; pray all throughout the day; and be sensitive to and obedient to the voice of Christ. Our goals for grinding may not come to fruition the way we plan; God has the last say so on that. But who knows what great things He may do, so let’s go for it! Most importantly, though, let us love God and love people; and finish well. Let us live with that end in mind.