Buy Understanding

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instructions, and understanding (Proverbs 23:23).

Understanding is the mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; [and] personal interpretation. The psalmist says, buy understanding; seek to see and really see; to piece together what is really happening beyond what appears on the surface. Maybe even the what, the why, the how, or how come. For me, it’s connecting the dots- being able to see how things relate to each other; and causes and effects.

I’m sure when says, “personal interpretation” they mean everyone has their individual/private interpretation because every one of our thought processes are unique to us- the way we see things, connect the dots, and ultimately comprehend things. We’re different people. But when it comes to scripture, no prophecy of scripture is of any personal/private/individual interpretation…but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:20,21).

What if we took’s definition of “personal

 interpretation” and made it personalized interpretation? What if the mark of true understanding is not just to see what’s going on, but how that applies to us personally? What is Jesus saying to me? What is The Spirit leading me to do? Why am I in the situation I’m in? What am I not seeing/understanding? Why is this happening in the world, in this nation, in my community, and in my home; and what’s my role and/or responsibility in that? Seeking answers to these types of questions grow us up and contribute to the lives of others. One of my former Pastor’s favorite urgings to us and something I say all the time is, “in all thy getting, get understanding.” It’s based on Proverbs 4:7 which says, “Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”  May we be a tribe of people who seek understanding- women and men of good understanding (1 Samuel 25:3).

Understanding Money

Most people think more money will fix their money problem; will help them get out of debt, buy the things they need/want, relieve the stress in their marriage, and allow them the freedom to enjoy life.

But Dr. Lynn Richardson says, “More money doesn’t solve a money problem. If it did, millionaires wouldn’t go broke; billionaires wouldn’t go broke.” It’s a whole lot more that making more money. Most of us don’t understand that; so most of keep making the same mistakes.

Definition (Understanding) from (6/6/2021)