Buy The Truth

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instructions, and understanding (Proverbs 23: 23).

Buy the truth (“the true and actual state of a matter”) and sell it not. Let truth be what we seek to acquire, what we are willing to make a priority. It doesn’t come free. We’ll have to give up time, energy, and effort as we search out facts. It will cost us our pride as we learn the truth about things we thought we knew, assumed to be true, or someone we respect taught us.  To discover we have believed a lie, is a blow to our ego. 

Seeking truth and finding it is like looking into the light. It’s uncomfortable to the flesh, but it 

does the soul good. To walk in light is a blessing. So, buy the truth and hold on it; sell it not. Don’t give it up in exchange for saving face, living in denial, or preserving unhealthy relationships and ideas.

Why do you think sometimes we find ourselves in a state of denial? Is it possible, the truth is too much to take? …at least it feels that way. If we don’t know the truth, then we won’t be responsible for owning it and taking responsibility. Ignorance will be our excuse. After all, ignorance is bliss, right? No- not in the long run. 

Truth is always better. It’s not a bunch of stuff to bind us up; but truth sets our minds and souls free to see the reality of what is. It’s the leverage that get us to the next level, mentally. Only the truth will set us free. Spiritually, Jesus is Truth. May we set our hearts to know the Truth.

Money Truth: We cannot use credit cards to fill the gap in paying our bills and ever improve our financial situation. We must find a way to spend less than we bring in. That’s the truth.

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