You Don't Have to Do It Alone

It can be intimidating and exhausting to do something new and/or big on our own. I don’t mean, that there aren’t areas we have to own sole responsibility for- because there are. But there are also a lot of things we women try to do on our own and don’t necessarily have to. Maybe we think we should be able to, because it certainly looks like other women are.

Many women who are successful, however, have a small network of people they rely on for support. That makes sense, because no one knows everything, can do everything, are always positive, or are always motivated.  There are times when we are weak and times when we are strong. Sometimes, we need sisters to physically come together to help us do something (to plan an event, to help with a project, to offer a hug or a shoulder to cry on). Other times, we need moral support (sisters to pray with, be encourage by, be held accountable by, receive cheerleading from, and to hear them say, “Yes, you can!” And we get to do the same for them.

These women may not be in our immediate circle of family and friends. Sometimes it’s difficult for our current circle to see us doing a new thing; or in a new role (a role they aren’t used to seeing us in and a role they aren’t comfortable seeing us in.) We may have to look elsewhere, but there are women who are ready and willing to support us in our journey- whatever it is.

Right now, you may feel alone; like you’re on a journey all by yourself; like no one else gets you. In your heart and spirit, you feel like God has called you to do something  different, to do something better, or maybe to do something big. But the 

little girl in you is scared. It’s like the good angel on one shoulder and the bad angel on the other shoulder; both whispering in your ear. When the good angel says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, the bad angel says, no I can’t. Who am I? I’m just Yolanda (fill in your name). I don’t have a,b,c or d. Notice how extensive negative thoughts are as compared to positive thoughts.

You need someone around who can simply say, “You can do it! Yes, you can. If God gave you the desire of your heart; if He has provided the passion, desire, knowledge, and means; if He has laid the ground work or shown you a path forward; if He has done all those things, you have every reason to believe you will succeed.”

The way I look at it is, God has something amazing for us; it just may not come the way we are looking for it. It would be so much easier, if He just wrote in down for us (what to do, when, where, how, and why). But He doesn’t. And that’s the scary part- the unknowns. That’s just why it helps to have a network of sisters in Christ, who are familiar with the narrative in our heads, can empathize with how we feel, and care enough to come alongside us in our journey (to pray with us, talk with us, encourage us, ask the hard questions, and to love us (with the love Christ) no matter what.) It doesn’t have to a thousand women or even a hundred; but we need sisters who can help.

This is the heart of the tribe I’m building. I want you to know, you really can do whatever that thing God has for you to do.

  • You can get out of debt.
  • You can start that business.
  • You can strengthen that relationship.
  • You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you- and I’m here to help.