Are You Sure You're Saved?

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall” (2 Peter 1:10).

The Matthew Henry Bible Commentary on this verse, says, “It is the duty of believers to make their election sure, to clear it up to themselves that they are the chosen of God… It requires a great deal of diligence and labor to make sure our calling and election; there must be a very close examination of ourselves, a very narrow search and strict enquiry, whether we are thoroughly converted, our minds enlightened, our wills renewed, and our whole souls changed as to the bent and inclination thereof; and to come to a fixed certainty in this requires the utmost diligence, and cannot be attained and kept without divine assistance… By this you will be kept from falling…”

This is a beautiful, Christ-inspired explanation of what it means to make sure of your election and calling. One, it brings out election, which a lot of people find offensive; 

because it means you have nothing to do with your salvation; no prayer prayed by you or for you and no action on your part or another’s.

Second, it brings out what it looks like to gain assurance of salvation. It is a not a casual inquiry or self-examination, but a pursuit that can span the course of months or years- for some. It is an active and aggressive pursuit to examine your heart and life by the standard of the Word of God; a rigorous evaluation as to whether you receive the commandments and promises of God as an obedient/endearing child; and a confidence to know your soul is eternally reconciled with the Father.

Can you say more than, “I hope I am saved,” “I think I am saved, “or “I’m not a bad person?” Is your assurance of salvation resting upon evidence supported by scriptures that say: this is how it looks; this is the heart’s desire; this is the new mind; these are the strivings?  As Matthew Henry brings out, it’s a process worth going through. Only then (gaining the assurance of salvation), can you walk in true peace and joy. Your awareness of who you are, keeps you from falling. And when you briefly forget, the Holy Spirit will bring the Word of God back to your remembrance and your heart will respond.

If you cannot confidently affirm your assurance; today is the day to begin the worthy pursuit. Ultimately, the Spirit of God will guide you through this process. …and I am here to help if you need a friend.