Are You Assured of Your Salvation?

Was your journey to assurance of faith a long, difficult one or are you still not there, yet? Some people struggle with having confidence that they are saved. It could be one of many reasons. They expect salvation should come like a Saul/Paul experience, with seeing the light and hearing the voice of Jesus through supernatural revelation. Others are consumed with being undeserving of the goodness of God. And still others don’t feel saved. Do any of these sound like you? 

God does not always use supernatural means to save people. 

In fact, most times it comes by ordinary means (reading the bible, hearing a preached word, a friend sharing the gospel, etc.) They all go back to the Word of God, made alive by the Spirit of Christ in you. When you read the scriptures, see yourself and believe what God says about who you are in Him. As His Word becomes a part of you, your faith will grow and your assurance will grow.

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal live, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5: 13).

Was your journey to assurance of faith a long, difficult one or are you still not there, yet? You can share your experience right here or private messenger me on Facebook if you would prefer to talk in private.